Yuv(v)raj Verma

Mr. Verma has been involved in the real estate business for approximately ten years and has owned, directly and indirectly, a number of rental properties during that time. Prior to that Mr. Verma was in the retail jewelry business. Mr. Verma is one of the co-founders of Cancom and has been involved in the land development and residential construction for last number of years including all the activities with regards to area structure plans, zoning, subdivision, development and construction of eventual homes. Mr. Verma has used his past experience in retail, to manage the sales and marketing of lots and houses for Cancom (in our opinion, to also defraud people).

Yuvraj's Facts

  1. One of the Directors.

  2. Has a sister who is married to Rohit Sethi (fraudster)

  3. Has a sister who is married to Vikas K Kwatra (fraudster)

  4. Alleged to be the right hand man for Rohit Sethi (fraudster)

  5. BIA search results show a whopping $21m bankruptcy filed on 18 Feb 2021, couple of days before the bankruptcy email went to all investors.

Yeah, fraud runs wild in the family!

BIA Search

Whaaat, closer to $21m liability and 1m asset?

Where did our money go?

ASC Cancom Land Corporation.pdf

Undertakings to ASC

6 Jun 2011

Their actions breached the Alberta Securities Act and were contrary to the public interest

Cancom Development Information _ Cancom Development Profile.pdf

Undertakings to ASC

31 July 2013

Their actions breached the Alberta Securities Act and were contrary to the public interest

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Photo source: CancomRCorporation. 2021.https://www.cancomrcorp.com/news/category/video/